Emergency contacts
Phone numbers of police, ambulance, and fire
Police | 110 |
Ambulance | 119 |
Fire | 119 |
Please remember two important emergency phone numbers in case of an emergency. One is“ 110” for the Police Department and the other is “119 ” for the Fire Department. These calls are free in Japan and can be made from public phones or mobile phones.
24-hour duty policemen are assigned to Koban(police box) which are located near stations and various other areas. They patrol the neighborhood, handle theft and other criminal reports, take care of traffic accidents and lost and found items and give directions.
Contacting Tohoku University
In the event of a domestic/traffic accident, fire, hospitalization, or injury etc., please promptly contact the university point of contact as below:
Status at the University | University point of contact in case of emergency |
Student | Academic advisor and Education Affairs Section |
Researcher / Faculty Member | Host department (*please be sure to check the point of contact for emergency report in your respective departments) |
Inbound Emergency Response Support Service
If international members of Tohoku University have difficulty in responding to an accident or other emergency during their stay in Japan due to language barriers or cultural differences, they can consult with the “Japan IR&C Support Center” on how to respond.
Available languages: English, Chinese, and Japanese.
- Free Hotline: 0120 119 075
- E-mail: CS-inb@i-rac.co.jp
Safety Confirmation System
The Safety Confirmation System is to confirm the safety of all students and staff of Tohoku University in the event of a major disaster. All students and staff are required to participate in the safety confirmation drills that are conducted on a regular basis. For details, please see the webpage below.
Announcements of class cancellation due to weather alerts
Announcements of class cancellation due to weather alerts (heavy rain, strong wind etc.) will be posted on the Tohoku University website. Please check it regularly.
In Case of Emergency: What to Do
Japan is an earthquake-prone country. Please prepare for earthquakes with information on Prepare for an Earthquake so that you can act in a calm manner if an earthquake happens.
Regardless of the size of the fire, when you see a fire, you need to dial “119 ” and call out in a loud voice to let the neighbors know it. It is important that you prepare an extinguisher in case of fire. Participate in fire drills in your community and brush up your prevention skills with an extinguisher.
Typhoon/Torrential Rain
Typhoons are a type of tropical storm generated normally between May and November. Japan is approached or sometimes hit by a number of typhoons between July and October every year.
If typhoon or torrential rain hits your area, don’t go outside and stay away from dangerous spots such as flooded streets and downed power lines.
Please check the evacuation site locations and hazard maps in your neighborhood so that you will be prepared in the event of an flood, etc.
- If you subscribe to the SenTIA Mail service, you will periodically receive regional information and multilingual disaster information.
- Sendai Disaster Multilingual Support Center will provide information from Sendai City and other related organizations via internet and radio broadcasts.
- NHK World-Japan sets up emergency information websites when typhoons are imminent etc. Check the news on the website, radio, or TV program for the latest storm watches and warnings.
Sudden illness and injury
If your injury or sickness is not serious enough to necessitate calling an ambulance and you think you can make it to the hospital by yourself, use a taxi or drive by yourself.
Call an ambulance on “119 ”, in case of a medical emergency or serious injury ONLY.
Traffic accident
Dial “119 ” first if anyone is injured, then dial “110 ” for report. If you are involved in an accident, you should record the name, place of work, telephone number, license plate number and insurance status of the other parties. Also get the names and telephone numbers of any persons who witnessed the accident. When the police arrive at the scene, follow their instructions. Please note that NHI (National Health Insurance) does not cover medical costs incurred by traffic accidents. Those costs will be reimbursed at a later date from the voluntary insurance maintained by the party found to be liable for the accident.
Students who are involved in accidents must inform their academic advisors and their department’s Educational Affairs Section . Also, they must prepare an accident report and submit it to their department’s Educational Affairs Section. The accident report should include the date of the accident, where it occurred, current status, measures taken afterward, details of hospitalization/hospital visits, and whether or not the people involved were insured.
Call “110 ” or go to the nearest Koban to report the crime. Also contact your bank or credit card company, if your cards or bank cards are stolen.

What to do if your personal belonging was stolen within the campus premise:
- Report to the police immediately
- Notify the university’s contact point of the theft.
The University’s contact points for theft are as below:
- Kawauchi-Kita Campus: Education and Student Support Center Counter 1
- Other campuses:
- For students : Academic Affairs Section (or Student Support Section) of each faculty/graduate school
- For researchers / staff : General Affairs Section of your department.
Most of the theft that occured on campus involves :
- Bicycles / motorcycles (unlocked or left in the parking lot for a long period of time)
- Valuables such as wallets
There were also many reports of theft in the gym and study room or classroom.
For that reason, we advise all university members to please be sure keep your personal belongings and valuables with you at all times.
Contact For Students:
Education and Student Support Center, Counter 1
Lost and Found
If you have lost items, report to the nearest police station or Koban as soon as possible.
If you are at a train station or a department store, report to a station attendant or to the lost and found section of the store.

Lost and Found at Kawauchi Campus
Please be advised this information only covers items found on the Kawauchi-Kita Campus and on the Campus Bus/Aobayama Shuttle Bus.
For information on lost and found at other campuses, please inquire at the academic affairs office of each faculty/graduate school.
If you’ve found a lost property
If you found someone’s lost item, you may turn it in at the below counter:
Operating Hours | Lost & Found Counter |
Weekdays (08:30-17:15) | Student Support Division Education and Student Support Center Counter 1 Reference |
Other than the above time | Security room at the entrance of ducation and Student Support Center |
*Cash, cash vouchers, precious metals, etc. must be delivered within 24 hours of being found.
If you’ve lost a property
Those who are looking for an item they’ve lost at Kawauchi campus can fill out this online form *(only available in Japanese) and describe the details of the items they have lost.
If someone turns in the item to the lost and found center, the Student Support Division will notify the owner directly.
How lost and found items are handled in Kawauchi Campus
(1) Items whose owner has been identified
The Student Support Division will contact the owner. Please bring your student ID card and promptly pick up the found items at window #2.
Any found items that are not picked up after being contacted will be disposed of after being kept for 3 months.
(2) Items whose owner has not been identified
Type | Where they are kept | Storage period |
Cash, cash vouchers, precious metals, etc. | Counter 1 | 7 days *1 |
Other than the above | Glass case below counter 1 | 3 months |
*1 The Student Support Division will notify the nearest police station (Kameoka Police Station) within 7 days from the date of report.
*2 Found items will be disposed of after the storage period had lapsed.
Contact (For Students)
Education and Student Support Center, Counter 1
Tokyo Intercultural Portal Site provides videos and manuals for disaster-awareness and prevention in multiple languages.