Understanding Your Payslip

Salary slips will be issued before the salary payday (salary will be paid on the 21st of the month (semi-annual bonus will be paid on the 30 June and 10 December. If the payday falls on a holiday, salary payment will be made the day before the designated payday. If two days before the designated payday also falls on a holiday, payment will be made on the first working day after the designated payday)

Tohoku University also implements online payslip system “Smart Payslip”. Faculty and staff members who agree and constent to using this system can access their payslip online through the Groupware system for faculty and staff.

Regarding Smart payslip

Payslip of Regular Employees

Details of Payslip
Salary and Other Allowances1~27Paid salary differs based on the applied salary policy.
Kindly check the salary policy that applies to you.
・Refer to: TU Database (English)
※ Click “For TU Faculty Staff” button > Log in using your TU ID > Click “Top Page” button > Type “Salary Regulation” in the search field and click search. Refer to the policy that applies to your status.

・For Japanese version, refer to 就業規則一覧(人事企画部)
※Only accessible by faculty staff.
Deductions from SalaryGrade / Standard Monthly Renumeration(short-term / nursing-care)The standard remuneration grade and monthly amount are divided into 50 grades based on the amount of remuneration. They are determined at a certain point in time based on the amount of compensation received by members and are applied for a certain period of time.

Standard Monthly Salary and Standard Bonus (MEXT Mutual Aid Association)
Grades and Monthly Amounts of Standard Monthly Salary (MEXT Mutual Aid Association)
31 Short Term Insurance PremiumThe insurance premium is calculated by multiplying the standard monthly salary, standard bonuses and other allowances by the insurance premium rate. The resulting premium amount is deducted from the member’s monthly salary, bonuses, and other allowances.

Insurance Premiums and Contributions (MEXT Mutual Aid Association)
Grade / Standard Monthly Renumeration(Employees’ Pension) The standard remuneration grade and monthly amount are divided into 32 grades based on the amount of remuneration. They are determined at a certain point in time based on the amount of compensation received by members and are applied for a certain period of time.

Insurance premium table (from September 2020)(Japan Pension Service*Japanese Only
Grades and Monthly Amounts of Standard Monthly Salary (MEXT Mutual Aid Association)
32 Nursing-care InsuranceIf you are 40 years old or older and will be living in Japan for more than 3 months, you are eligible to enroll to this, and your insurance premium is determined by your income from the previous year, the age categories, and the area you live in.

Long-term Care Insurance System (for those above 40 years old) (MHLW)
Pamphlet in other languages (MHLW)
33 Employees’ Pension Insurance PremiumThis is calculated by multiplying the monthly standard remuneration (and standard bonus amount) by the common insurance premium rate, which is deducted from the monthly salary (year-end allowance, etc.). The insurance premium rate has been raised in stages since 2004 based on the revision of the pension system, but the last increase was completed in September 2009, and the employees’ pension insurance premium rate is fixed at 18.3%.

Insurance Premium for Employees’ Pension Insurance(Japan Pension Service *Japanese Only
Grades and Monthly Amounts of Standard Monthly Salary (MEXT Mutual Aid Association)
Grade / Standard Monthly Remuneration (retirement pension, etc.) Standard remuneration grades and monthly amounts are divided into 32 grades according to the amount of remuneration. It is determined at a certain point in time based on the amount of remuneration received by the union member and is applied for a certain period of time.

Standard Monthly Salary and Standard Bonus (MEXT Mutual Aid Association)
Grades and Monthly Amounts of Standard Monthly Salary (MEXT Mutual Aid Association)
43 Retirement Pension Insurance PremiumThe amount obtained by multiplying the monthly standard remuneration (and standard year-end allowance) by the premium rate will be deducted from the monthly salary (year-end allowance, etc.).

Insurance Premiums and Contribution (MEXT Mutual Aid Association)
35 Income TaxPlease refer to the the tax (income tax/resident tax) page.
36 Resident TaxPlease refer to the the tax (income tax/resident tax) page.
37 Employee Housing RentFor faculty staff living in TU employee housing, the rent amount will be deducted from salary.
38~41If you are enrolled in these insurance (repayment), the amount will be deducted from your salary.

Payslip of Non-Regular Employees

Salary and Other Allowances 1~22 Paid salary differs based on the applied salary policy.
Kindly check the salary policy that applies to you.
・Refer to: TU Database (English)
※ Click “For TU Faculty Staff” button > Log in using your TU ID > Click “Top Page” button > Type “Salary Regulation” in the search field and click search. Refer to the policy that applies to your status.

・For Japanese version, refer to 就業規則一覧(人事企画部)
※Only accessible by faculty staff.
Deductions from Salary Grade / Standard Monthly Renumeration Standard remuneration grades and monthly amounts are divided into 50 grades according to the amount of remuneration. It is determined at a certain point in time based on the amount of remuneration received by the union member and is applied for a certain period of time. *Only if you are enrolled as a member.

Standard Monthly Salary and Standard Bonus (MEXT Mutual Aid Association)
Grades and Monthly Amounts of Standard Monthly Salary (MEXT Mutual Aid Association)
31 Short-Term Insurance PremiumThe amount obtained by multiplying the monthly standard remuneration (and standard end-of-term allowance, etc.) by the contribution rate will be deducted from the monthly salary (end-of-term allowance, etc.). *Only if you are enrolled as a member.

Insurance Premiums and Contributions (MEXT Mutual Aid Association)
32 Nursing-Care Insurance Premium If you are 40 years old or older and will be living in Japan for more than 3 months, you are eligible to enroll to this, and your insurance premium is determined by your income from the previous year, the age categories, and the area you live in.

Long-term Care Insurance System (for those above 40 years old) (MHLW)
Pamphlet in other languages (MHLW)
33  Employees’ Pension Insurance Premium Standard remuneration grades and monthly amounts are divided into 32 grades according to the amount of remuneration. It is determined at a certain point in time based on the amount of remuneration received by the union member and is applied for a certain period of time. Insurance premiums are calculated by multiplying the standard monthly remuneration (and standard bonus amount) by a common premium rate, and are deducted from monthly salaries (end-of-term allowances, etc.). The insurance premium rate has been raised in stages since 2004 based on the revision of the pension system. *Only if you are enrolled as a member

Insurance Premium for Employees’ Pension Insurance(Japan Pension Service *Japanese Only
Grades and Monthly Amounts of Standard Monthly Salary (MEXT Mutual Aid Association)
Standard Monthly Salary and Standard Bonus (MEXT Mutual Aid Association)
35  Income Tax Please refer to the the tax (income tax/resident tax) page.
36 Resident Tax Please refer to the the tax (income tax/resident tax) page.
37 Employee Housing Rent For faculty staff living in TU employee housing, the rent amount will be deducted from salary.
38 Employee’s Saving Scheme If you are enrolled in this, the amount will be deducted from your salary.

