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Entry Requirement Update (Updated April 28, 2023)
For Entry on April 9, 2023 Onwards
The Japanese government has announced changes to the border measures from 00:00 on April 29.
- In response to the announcement that the novel coronavirus will no longer be considered a “Pandemic Influenza (Novel Influenza or Re-emerging Influenza)”, border measures will change as described below from 00:00 on April 29.
(1) Valid vaccination certificates and a negative certificate of a pre-departure test will no longer be required for individuals arriving in Japan.
(2) The temporary measure to randomly test individuals arriving on direct passenger flights from China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) will end.
Individuals who have symptoms of the novel coronavirus will undergo the same inspection procedures when entering Japan as those arriving from other countries/regions. - Please note that individuals experiencing symptoms of the novel coronavirus will continue to be tested upon arrival.
Those who test positive will be required to quarantine at a designated facility. This policy will remain in place until 00:00 on May 8, 2023. From 00:00 on May 8, genomic surveillance will commence.
If you currently support or oversee an individual for whom these measures are relevant, or anticipate doing so in the near future, we would appreciate it if you ensured that the individual is made aware of these changes.
In addition, please periodically check the latest information from the MHLW on border measures, which may be found here:
Important Notice : Insurance for Short Term Visitors
Notice for short-term visitors (i.e., visitors staying in Japan for less than 3 months): If you test positive and receive medical treatment while in Japan, you may be required to pay the entirety of your incurred medical expenses. Therefore, we highly recommend that you purchase private medical insurance (and/or travel insurance that covers medical expenses) before entering Japan so that you are prepared to pay any medical bills.

For any inquiries or assistance