Join the Free Japanese Language Course for Work by JICE! (June Intake)


Great news for those who missed the previous opportunity to enroll in the Japanese Language for Work course provided by JICE!

The Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE) has been entrusted by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to conduct the Training Course for Promoting Stable Employment of Foreign Residents.

As a part of this initiative, JICE is now offering another session of the free Japanese Language Course for Work, scheduled to commence in June

The application process for this course is straightforward. Simply visit your nearest Hello Work office with a passport-sized ID photo and your Residence Card, and take a placement test to become a part of the course.

Training Course for Promoting Stable Employment of Foreign Residents

Level: Beginner

Course Period: June 3 to August 7

Class Date: Monday thru Friday

Class Time: 9:30 -12:30

Place: SenTIA in Sendai International Center

Application deadline: May 24

Placement Test: May 27

For more information on Sendai class:

Download leaflet

For more detailed information about the course, visit the JICE’s website.

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